
Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Course Description

Ever wondered how AI technologies like OpenAI ChatGPT and GPT-4 really work? In this course, you will learn the foundations of these groundbreaking applications ,This course is all about the application of deep learning and neural networks to reinforcement learning,If you’ve taken my first reinforcement learning class, then you know that reinforcement learning is on the bleeding edge of what we can do with AI.

What you'll learn in this course?

  • Describe what is AI, its applications, use cases, and how it is transforming our lives

  • Explain terms like Machine Learning, Deep Learning and Neural Networks

  • Describe several issues and ethical concerns surrounding AI

  • Articulate advice from experts about learning and starting a career in AI

Our Commitments

-Transportation service from / to airport.
-Fully detailed Training Material
-Meeting room with Daily coffee break and Snacks
-Evaluations before and after the training program to ensure the trainee’s satisfaction.
-Course certificate
-Workshop of the training program to get the maximum benefits of the course
-Provide all the required facilities to the participants in our laps

Dubai|United Arab Emirates
Date : 2024-07-29
Course includes:
  • Language Language English
  • img Certifications Yes
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